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ShareMyJourney Circles offer meaningful connection to other caring members navigating similar circumstances, and are designed to learn from one another in practices, that when consistently done, lead to a more fulfilling life. Circles are facilitated by ShareMyJourney Founder Rebecca P. Cohen or a qualified ShareMyJourney Member in her absence. Email to try a circle for free. Not comfortable in a group? Private coaching is available.
Online (ET Time Zone)
Drop in for a casual online meet up and introduce yourself to fellow ShareMyJourney members.
Online (ET Time Zone)
Online (ET Time Zone)
Do you have a goal or project that is important to you, but you have been putting it off? Work alongside other members via Zoom to work on i...
Online (ET Time Zone)
Online (ET Time Zone)
A place for those who give to receive support and be with other caring members who understand, focusing on care for the aging and/or ill fam...
Online (ET Time Zone)
Online (ET Time Zone)
Whether you want more meaning in your day to day life, sense you might want to do something different, or the empty nest or retirement have ...
Online (ET Time Zone)
Online (ET Time Zone)
A little more lighthearted and fun topic, if you are intrigued and want to learn more or love doing this yourself and want to share, Rebecca...
Online (ET Time Zone)